1. Luther played this musical instrument while studying at the University of Erfurt: a: Harpsichord b: Violin c: Lute
2. As a young man, Luther's basic attitude toward God was this: a: Love b: Fear c: Indifference
3. In his Small Catechism, Luther wrote that were sins are forgiven, there is life and this: a: Peace b: Joy c: Salvation
4. Which sins did Luther say people should confess to a confessor: a: Those we know about b: Those we don't know about c: Both those we know about and those we don't
5. According to the Augsburg Confession, repentance consists of contrition and this: a: Good works b: Guilt c: Faith
6. In the Small Catechism, Luther defines "daily bread" as this: a: Bread b: Fellowship with God c: Everything that nourshes the body and meets it needs
7. When Luther was hidden at Wartburg, a portrait was done of him. Who was the painter? a: Durer b: Rembrandt c: Cranach
8. How old was Martin Luther when he first read a Bible? a: 6 b: 18 c: 25
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